• connect@aseemafoundation.org
  • +918976478161

Aseema’s Professional Development and School Management Consultancy Centre was formally set up in the year 2012. Since then, Aseema has worked with many organisations to enable them to provide high-quality, holistic, value-based education to the children from marginalized communities.

As part of the professional development modules, Aseema seeks to train teachers on:

  • Inter-disciplinary and Activity Based Learning (ABL) approaches to enable teachers to implement effective teaching learning strategies in their classrooms.
  • Effective integration of technology in the classroom to enhance student engagement and learning and track learning outcomes.
  • Social Emotional Learning: focussing on nurturing the children’s emotional intelligence, social skills and overall well-being
  • Fortifying administrative functions in a school such as human resource management, finance, purchase and community work.